Pelicula need for speed

Pelicula need for speed


Need for Speed es una película de acción y suspense de 2014 dirigida y coeditada por Scott Waugh y escrita por George y John Gatins. Es la adaptación cinematográfica de la franquicia de videojuegos de carreras del mismo nombre de Electronic Arts. La película está protagonizada por Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Scott Mescudi, Imogen Poots, Ramón Rodríguez y Michael Keaton. Cuenta la historia del corredor callejero Tobey Marshall, que se lanza a correr a campo traviesa como forma de vengar la muerte de su amigo a manos de un corredor rival, Dino Brewster.

Need for Speed fue estrenada por Touchstone Pictures el 14 de marzo de 2014, en 3D, IMAX 3D y en cines convencionales. Tras su estreno, la película recibió críticas generalmente negativas, criticadas por su dirección, su historia sin sentido y sus escenas de acción poco realistas, aunque algunos elogios para la actuación de Paul. La película recaudó 203 millones de dólares en todo el mundo.

Tobey Marshall es un antiguo piloto de carreras que posee el taller de su difunto padre, Marshall Performance Motors, en Mount Kisco, Nueva York, donde él y sus amigos ponen a punto los coches de alto rendimiento. Con dificultades para llegar a fin de mes, él y su equipo participan en carreras callejeras a deshoras. Después de una carrera, el antiguo rival de Tobey, Dino Brewster, los recluta para que completen la construcción de un raro Ford Shelby Mustang en el que trabajó el difunto Carroll Shelby, a cambio del 25% de los ingresos de las ventas del coche. El Mustang terminado se expone para su subasta en una fiesta en la ciudad de Nueva York. Tobey y Dino conocen a Julia, una corredora de coches inglesa cuyo cliente, Bill Ingram, quiere comprar el coche si puede demostrar que circulará a más de 230 mph, como afirma Tobey. A pesar de las objeciones de Dino, Tobey lleva el Mustang a una pista de carreras local y lo conduce con éxito a 234 mph, convenciendo a Ingram para que lo compre por 2,7 millones de dólares.

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If lovers of speed and car movies feared for the continuation of the A Todo Gas saga after the death of Paul Walker, do not worry, because here begins another possible franchise ready to unseat the previous one and, moreover, with another hero at the wheel of fashion, Aaron Paul, with that right point between the macarrismo of Jason Statham, the cool pose of Ryan Gosling and a polygonal touch that suits him wonderfully. Need for Speed is based on one of the most important racing videogames of the nineties in which you could virtually drive some of the most powerful cars on the market, with the option of tuning them to the consumer’s taste. This basic scheme is, of course, the one that takes its film adaptation, carried out by Scott Waugh, a real expert on the subject as he has worked as a specialist in films such as xXx or Torque: Shooting at

Need for speed movie netflix

If lovers of speed and car movies feared for the continuation of the A Todo Gas saga after the death of Paul Walker, do not worry, because here begins another possible franchise ready to unseat the previous one and, moreover, with another hero at the wheel of fashion, Aaron Paul, with that right point between the macarrismo of Jason Statham, the cool pose of Ryan Gosling and a polygonal touch that suits him wonderfully. Need for Speed is based on one of the most important racing videogames of the nineties in which you could virtually drive some of the most powerful cars on the market, with the option of tuning them to the consumer’s taste. This basic scheme is, of course, the one that takes its film adaptation, carried out by Scott Waugh, a real expert on the subject as he has worked as a specialist in films such as xXx or Torque: Shooting at

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The movie hooks you without any doubt, Aaron Paul and Dominic Cooper do a great job (I hope they are in the sequel), the least said is Dakota Johnson (luckily she is a supporting actress). A good plot that hooks you

Cast of need for speed 2

Need for Speed is a classic video game franchise and well recognized by gamers of different consoles and generations, although Electronic Arts presents this game in different formats and variants, the constants in the formula are speed and racing against the law.

On March 14, the big screen adaptation of the game was released and it comes with promises of everything that has made the name popular and brings a new option to fans of movies like Fast and the Furious and the adrenaline of speed.

In the story Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul) finds himself in financial trouble with the bank for trying to keep his father’s shop afloat, so he uses his skills as a racer to get the money and move his business forward.

Certainly this film is a far cry from the academy awards but it is simple enough to enjoy on a Sunday and move on with nothing but the roars of the machines that appear in it as substance you can stick with.

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