Plan pive 6 boe
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Market forecasts make it advisable to maintain or strengthen this type of measures, intensifying the renewal of the national fleet in order to reduce its average age with energy-efficient vehicles, favoring energy savings in the transport sector and mitigating its negative effects on the environment. In this sense, the Government has decided to allocate an extraordinary credit of 175 million Euros to give continuity to this Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program in its sixth call (Plan PIVE-6).
This Royal Decree maintains most of the criteria already included in the previous calls of the program, related to the price limit of the vehicle to be purchased, the inclusion of models with lower absolute consumption, the inclusion of those models with greater capacity to transport people and special support for those applicants who are disabled people who can prove their reduced mobility and who purchase an adapted vehicle, as well as the communication and advertising requirements of the new Plan that must be met by the dealers or points of sale adhered to.
How to check the status of your application
All the information on the RENOVE 2020 plan, such as frequently asked questions, help guide, download of models, etc., can be consulted on the RENOVEA portal. All the forms needed to make the application are currently available: (1) the simulator, (2) the credit reservation form, (3) the form to attach the documentation required for the validation of the application, (4) the form to correct certain data entered erroneously in the credit reservation whose modification is allowed, (5) the form for modification of representative and (6) the cancellation form.
Incentive through the granting of aid for the acquisition of vehicles for the replacement of older vehicles with cleaner and safer models, while incorporating environmental and social criteria.
The Subdirectorate General for Information and Communications Technologies (SGTIC), by virtue of the provisions of Royal Decree 951/2005, of July 29, 2005, which establishes the general framework for quality improvement in the General State Administration, is preparing a program for evaluating user satisfaction with respect to the services for which it is responsible. The purpose of this evaluation will be to measure the users’ perception of the organization and the services provided.
Plan pive 6 boe del momento
Royal Decree 569/2020, of June 16, regulating the incentive program for efficient and sustainable mobility (MOVES II Program) and agreeing on the direct granting of aid under this program to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
On February 16, 2019, Royal Decree 72/2019, dated February 15, 2019, regulating the incentive program for efficient and sustainable mobility (MOVES Program) was published and the granting of aid to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla was agreed through Royal Decree 132/2019, dated March 8, 2019.
After the expiration of the term of said program, it is deemed appropriate to approve a second edition of the Program called MOVES II, which modifies certain requirements of the first edition in order to achieve a better execution of the funds allocated to the program and better contribute to the objectives of decarbonization of the transport sector in accordance with the provisions of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, PNIEC 2021-2030.
Plan pive 6 boe 2022
The Executive has reduced from 2,000 to 1,500 euros the aid of the Plan, an initiative that seeks to boost the automobile industry. Of these 1,500 euros, intended for the purchase of a car to replace a car that will be scrapped, half will be provided by the State and the other half by the dealer.
The Pive Plan aids are doubled for large families and families with disabled dependents who need an adapted vehicle. They are 3,000 euros. The disadvantage is that a considerably higher amount will have to be entered in the income tax return, although the same percentage will be maintained in the tax scale.
Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.