Puntos de la dgt

maximum points dgt

Initially, in general, drivers start with a balance of 12 points, but this figure is not fixed and can increase or decrease depending on whether or not you are a good driver, check the current balance of points and the history of your driving license.

If you have lost points on your license or even if you have a loss of validity for having exhausted your points balance, you can take reeducation courses in approved centers for a partial recovery of points or recovery of license or license that you have lost.

You can locate the centers where the courses are given and the different editions available for the recovery of points and road awareness and re-education courses to sign up for the one that best suits you.

dgt points register

The Dirección General de Tráfico offers you a free mobile application so that you can carry your driving license and the documentation of your vehicles in digital format on your cell phone. You can also use it to carry out procedures such as requesting a vehicle report, paying your fines or telling us who was driving your vehicle if you have been unjustly penalized, as well as notifying us if your vehicle is usually driven by another person, buying fees to carry out your procedures or sharing the documentation of your vehicles.

Request a vehicle report, pay your fines, identify the driver who was driving your vehicle, notify the usual driver of your vehicle, buy the fees you need or change your address.

Your vehicle registration, technical data, environmental badge, ITV, insurance… You can also notify us if your vehicle is usually driven by another person, obtain the report of a vehicle to know its status or share the documentation of your vehicle.

dgt puntos (sin clave)

Es una buena idea comprobar cuántos puntos tienes si tienes un permiso de conducir español, ya que algunas compañías de seguros ofrecen ahora descuentos a aquellas personas que no han perdido ningún punto. La Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) ha simplificado su página web para facilitar su uso, así que ¿por qué no lo comprueba hoy mismo?

Cuando acceda a la página web de la DGT para comprobar sus puntos, si aún no tiene una contraseña tendrá que solicitarla, el primer paso es poner el código Captcha y hacer clic en solicitar contraseña (solicitante clave de acceso) en el cuadro amarillo.

Si te multan en España por una infracción de tráfico, dependiendo de la gravedad de la sanción, ésta puede ser sólo económica o ir acompañada de la pérdida de 2 a 6 puntos. En un solo día puedes perder un máximo de 8 puntos, aunque en algunas situaciones puedes perder el carné temporalmente.

Si te has sorprendido al ver que tienes menos puntos de los que esperabas no te preocupes: si no pierdes ningún punto durante un periodo de dos años te dan 2 puntos más y en tres años te dan un punto más. El número máximo de puntos para cualquier conductor es de 15.

dgt driving license

You will have a period of 10 days to present allegations. If you finally receive the notification of the loss of validity, you will have to hand in your license at any Traffic Office, and you will not be able to drive from that moment on.

You will also obtain information on your history of recovery and loss of your points, detailing the date, the points penalized or gained, always clarifying the possible types of infractions in which you incurred or the awareness courses you took.

You can also go in person as long as you have a document signed by the person concerned authorizing you to make the request, and expressing its free nature. To do so, download and fill in the authorization form of the DGT «Granting of representation».

2. From the app miDGT, application for mobiles and tablets of the DGT. Downloading the mobile application miDGT, you can check the status of your points for free for both Android and iOS.  You can consult this page for more information and download the application.

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