Tests de la dgt

Test de conducir gratis

Prepárate para cualquier permiso de conducir practicando con nuestros tests de conducir totalmente gratis. Selecciona tu permiso (B, A1/A2, AM, C/C1, D/D1, B+E y C+E), y ensaya para el examen oficial de la DGT con nuestros tests aleatorios. Todos los exámenes de conducir han sido actualizados en 2021.

En esta app podrás prepararte para el examen teórico totalmente gratis desde tu móvil o tablet con test formados por preguntas que forman parte de la gran base de datos que posee la DGT. Constantemente estamos actualizando con nuevos tests para aumentar las posibilidades de que las preguntas del examen ya las conozcas o sean parecidas.

Prepárate para cualquier permiso de conducir practicando con nuestros test de conducción totalmente gratis. Selecciona tu permiso (B, A1 / A2, AM, C / C1, D / D1, B + E y C + E), y ensaya para el examen oficial de la DGT con nuestros test aleatorios. Todos los exámenes de conducir han sido actualizados en 2021.

En esta app podrás preparar el examen teórico totalmente gratis desde tu móvil o tablet con test compuestos por preguntas que forman parte de la gran base de datos que tiene la DGT. Nos actualizamos constantemente con nuevos test para aumentar las posibilidades de que las preguntas del examen ya las conozcas o sean similares.

Test dgt permit b 2021

The day of the exam you will surely get 3, 4, 5… questions that you have not seen in the tests, because N A D I E has those 15,500 questions: neither the driving school under your house, nor any web, nor app, nor even us. Well, the compis of the DGT do, hehehehehehe.

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So, if you only memorize and memorize test questions, it is difficult to pass. The statistics published by the DGT say that of the students who go for free (usually doing only tests) only 1 out of 4 pass on the first try.

Every time you take a test, 30 questions out of these 400 are chosen at random and it seems like a different test… but after a while you keep repeating questions and it seems like you are doing great, but you are not. You have simply memorized a few questions.

Think that the day of the exam you will surely get 3, 4, 5 questions that you have not seen in your tests (nobody has the 15,500 questions of the DGT). If you add to this the nerves of the exam + doubts in questions that you had seen, things get a little more complicated.

Dgt test results

The BTests car license following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase B

Permiso A2 and A1You will find varied questions with the same format as the real exam. Remember that to pass your 20-question test, you must make a maximum of 2 failures.Coming soon Test class A2

Permiso DTest de Coche following the format of the DGT exams. The Permiso B consists of a test of 30 questions where you can only have a maximum of 3 failures.Test de conducir clase D

Enter your email to know the result of your test.remember that if you take a test as a registered user (free!) you can accelerate your learning with the smart tests and without the need to re-enter your email.

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Dgt test 2020

Answer : A passenger car with a trailer must have a spare wheel among its equipment. This wheel is compulsory for the passenger car, but not for the trailer. The vehicle must carry: a complete spare wheel or a temporary wheel, the necessary tools to change it, or an alternative system offering sufficient guarantees (such as an anti-puncture kit).

Answer : Motorcycle controls are located at both ends of the handlebars and on both sides of the machine. They can be operated with the right hand, left hand, right foot and left foot. In particular, the gear shift pedal is operated with the left foot.

Answer : A wider continuous white line on the roadway may also indicate the existence of a special lane (BUS, TAXI, etc.), and drivers of vehicles traveling in the special lane may cross the line with due care to leave the lane when required by the maneuver or destination they intend to follow. In this case the marking is significantly wider than in the general case. Other drivers may not cross the continuous line, nor use this lane if they are not authorized to do so.

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