Tu cara me suena kids

Tu cara me suena kids

The voice of spain 2020

«The Sugar & Spice», with the characterization of Cyndi Lauper in the song «Girls Just Want to Have Fun», turned the theater upside down.    This artist was very crazy, messy, with a very own style and this was what Penelope and Ingrid printed on stage.

With the song «A Quién Le importa» by Thalia, Sofia and Karen kicked off the grand finale of TCMSKids, achieving a tremendous performance with a high level of energy.    Sofia arrives on stage full of adrenaline and surprises with her interpretations.

Tu cara me suena en español

After months of rumors, controversies, expectations and uncertainty about what Televisora Nacional could show in this new version of its popular program, this Wednesday night, January 27th, many were finally satisfied with the excellent production that this project had in its first gala.

Next week promises to give us more and we are looking forward to it, yes we are looking forward to it, since we are sure that those who were left behind in points -but not in talent- will come back stronger and that general table will change a lot.

We already know the chips of the game, now everyone at home can begin with their gabelas, because definitely everyone has their favorite -I already have my participant- and we will see at the end of the galas who is the winner of the first version of Tu Cara Me Suena Kids.

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Tu cara me suena (spain)

This Thursday, arrives on Antena 3 the grand finale of ‘Tu cara me suena Mini’ Abril, Carla, Julia or Nayra will be the winner of the junior version of Antena 3’s imitation contest. Wednesday 19 November 2014 13:26

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«The Sugar & Spice», with the characterization of Cyndi Lauper in the song «Girls Just Want to Have Fun», turned the theater upside down.    This artist was very crazy, messy, with a very own style and this was what Penelope and Ingrid printed on stage.

With the song «A Quién Le importa» by Thalia, Sofia and Karen kicked off the grand finale of TCMSKids, achieving a tremendous performance with a high level of energy.    Sofia arrives on stage full of adrenaline and surprises with her interpretations.

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