Videos de leo harlem

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Technology has allowed us to create new relationships and unimaginable connections, but also other consequences such as digital anxiety. Leo Harlem highlights the situations we live in every day and proposes what to do in order not to lose the essence and richness of, what for him is one of the basic principles of humanity, personal relationships face to face.

Technology has allowed us to create new relationships and unimaginable connections, but also other consequences such as digital anxiety. Leo Harlem highlights the situations we live in every day and proposes what to do in order not to lose the essence and richness of, what for him is one of the basic principles of humanity, personal relationships face to face.

Leo harlem spanish waiter

Have you ever noticed that, after weeks of consistent and successful fat burning, you suddenly stop seeing much progress? One of the quickest ways to break that and get back on track is through Tabata training.

We present you with a 20-minute cardio routine perfect for doing at home to burn calories and slim down. You can join this routine with others you’ll find on the channel to complete your workout day.

A Swiss doctor comments:  Medicine in Switzerland is so advanced that we remove one person’s testicles, put them in another and in six weeks he is already looking for a job to which the German doctor replies….

A woman’s garden is growing beautifully, but the tomatoes are not ripening. She approaches her neighbor and says, «Your tomatoes are ripe, mine are green, what can I do about it?»

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This joke begins with a teacher asking his students to ask at home for a family story that has a moral to tell everyone the next day in class and Pepito tells this story.

Leo harlem modern cuisine

I’m not going to deny that I love Leo Harlem. He’s a guy who speaks at lightning speed and says things that make you start laughing and don’t stop. And it’s not a surreal humor, nor of falls without rhyme or reason, but a reflective humor about the observation of what happens around him.

Today I bring you one of his most serious interventions at TEDx Valladolid. Serious because although the form is humor, joke and laughter, the reflection on what surrounds us, on technology and, above all, on how we use it is very real and true.

Ilustres ignorantes leo harlem

Padel World Press.- El gran humorista nos cuenta cómo fueron sus primeros ‘coqueteos’ con el pádel, uno de los deportes más seguidos y practicados en España… Además, nos desvela su modelo de pala favorito …

La pareja formada por Alberto Casado y Rober Bodegas se dedica a hacer sketches de 1 minuto en los que parodian, con mucho humor, la forma de pensar y actuar de determinados prototipos de personas. Ya han ‘atacado’, siempre con mucho estilo, al típico festivalero, al amante de las series, a la toallita, al runner, al sano, al ecologista… Y ahora ‘vienen fuertes’ con el jugador de pádel.

Alberto Casado se disfrazó de jugador principiante que ‘se las sabe todas’ y le sobró un minuto para sacar a la luz las costumbres que desde dentro pueden parecer muy pro pero, desde fuera, se ven un poco ridículas… Como siempre, el vídeo estaba cargado de un humor tan fino que nos hará reírnos de nosotros mismos

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«Estamos lanzando un pequeño juego, bueno …. Es que estos no tienen nivel, eh». Así comienza un corto en el que ya sabes por dónde van los tiros del típico jugador de pádel amateur que se cree más de lo que es.

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