Sm savia digital para alumnos
Sm educamos
Savia digitalSavia Digital offers an answer for those who are taking their first steps in the digital world as well as for those who use it on a more regular basis. Savia Digital is a work environment that effectively integrates the tools of the digital world into the classroom dynamics, at the service of learning and integral development.for users who want to start using digital resources: proposals that complement and integrate with the paper book in order to prepare innovative classes.for more experienced users: the possibility of customizing content, introducing new proposals and having a space to interact with students and follow up.Savia offers you
Sm aprendizaje
Acerca de SM: SM es una empresa editorial con más de 80 años de historia centrada en la publicación de contenidos educativos para primaria y secundaria. SM tiene presencia en España y en 9 países más de Latinoamérica. Su principal actividad es la venta de libros de texto y la publicación de literatura infantil y juvenil.
Entre sus valores, destaca su compromiso con la promoción de la cultura y la educación a través de sus publicaciones y de la Fundación SM, que recauda fondos para potenciar la educación de calidad en las zonas menos desarrolladas. SM cuenta hoy en día con más de 2.000 empleados, una facturación anual de 345 millones de euros y 40 millones de publicaciones vendidas en 61 países diferentes en 2017.
Savia ofrece apoyo no solo a las escuelas sino también a los profesores a través de este producto tecno-educativo que permite, además de otras funcionalidades, la gestión de las lecciones de clase, el seguimiento de los deberes y un área donde los estudiantes pueden subir sus proyectos online, de forma segura y sencilla.
Este escenario requiere una estructura flexible capaz de adaptarse a lo que SM necesita como negocio. En un principio, la aplicación de SM se creó en una nube pública para beneficiarse de una solución totalmente escalable y de costes variables en función de la demanda.
Sm connects
The world is changing rapidly and education must adapt to social and cultural changes. Therefore, today more than ever, the school community needs to transform itself in order to offer students a relevant and quality education that shapes them for the present and for the future: an education for life.
An active learner is one who is involved in all learning activities (readings, discussions, reflections…). An active learner relates his or her learning to the world, accepts responsibility for learning, explores, questions, reflects, is open-minded and interested in new ideas.
The empowered teacher has simple and innovative resources that reinforce his or her leading role in classroom work and ensure meaningful learning for students. He is a sensitive educator, inspired by everyday life, who sees in the difference or in the difficulty, the opportunity to learn and discover from the interaction with his project partners: the students.
Savia digital books
The Savia secondary project is oriented to the development of understanding towards action, from situations close to the student’s environment, motivating and challenging, which contribute to meaningful learning. At this level, students are expected to learn to think, confronting their first explanations with scientific evidence and theories, thus strengthening methodologies of inquiry and understanding of various textual and documentary types.
The Savia project meets the curricular needs with respect to evaluation. Therefore, we conceive evaluation as a permanent process that accounts for the progress, difficulties and strategies that teachers and students deploy to achieve effective learning (competency 29).
The Savia project is a proposal that allows integrating, in an effective and pertinent manner, the tools of the digital world into the classroom dynamics. It puts technology at the service of learning in the area and the integral development of students, facing the challenges of the knowledge society (competency 28).

Bienvenid@, soy Patricia Gómez y te invito a leer mi blog de interés.